Monday 3 September 2012

Sarah Again

Hello! It's me Sarah again, I'll start from where I ended last time...

The new girl was called Anna and she is quite shy. At lunch break, we asked her if she wanted to play skipping games with us.

"No thank you, but that is a very kind offer", Anna had said.

Then Katie walked over to us, her posse trailing behind. "If it isn't Sarah and her stupid friends. Ha ha! My parents are both coming on the school trip next week. I bet yours aren't!".

Katie was right. My parents hadn't  been interested in the trip really. But I wasn't going to let Katie beat me up about it. 

"Well, no. My parents are not coming because they have much more important things to do. They're going to a fancy tea with their famous author friend", I invented.

"That isn't true, your parents spilt up, they don't want to spend time together!".

I felt hot tears steam into my eyes, and then the weirdest thing happened.

Anna, who we thought was all shy, punched Katie in the face!!!!

We all gasped and Anna smiled proudly. She had beat the school bully.

"Uugh! Thanks a lot, stupid new girl and stupid new girl's friends!! I'll get you!", Katie screamed.

We all giggled, we tried to stop, but we couldn't!

At home, Mum was on her computer. She was writing a note to her fans, she is an author. This lady called Rose helped her create a fansite, so she writes things to her fans and chats to them sometimes.

"How was school?".