Sunday 28 October 2012


Liz here again!

My dad was late picking me up for After School club, and Mrs Rachi got pretty mad. Dad say he was sorry, but he didn't control what times trains stopped and started.

We drove to Brickton Hall to see the fireworks. It was already quite busy, but we didn't mind. We bought a few burgers and 7ups and then sat outside in the big field to watch the fireworks.

They were amazing!! All different colours and patterns and noises. Sometimes I wish life was as colourful and bright as the fireworks.

When I got home, Dad said I had better get started on my English homework.

Dad's got Xfactor on,

betta go!


Friday 26 October 2012

A warm welcome from Liz

Hiya!! I'm Liz and I'm in The Big Class. Not many people have written an entry on our school blog yet, but I thought it was time that someone did.

Like I said, I'm Liz and I'm one of the kind of quiet members of the class, I suppose. I love to run and play footie and I go camping with my dad every weekend. I also love going to the movies with my friends, like Sarah.

Today we were doing science experiments, and it was actually really fun! We got a big bottle of Diet Coke and some mentos. Then, we put the mentos inside the bottle with the coke, shaked the people and... BOOM!! The coke went everywhere!!!!!

We also got given school emails and ended up chatting with each other all day long. After school I had to go to the after school club.

As my Dad has a pretty busy job, he usually can't pick me up. Sometimes that kind of annoys me, 'cos I get dumped at after school club.

At the AS club, you can play and chat and there are even some computers. But I usually sit in a corner, and finish my homework. No one in my class goes to the AS club, except me and a boy called Jamie.

Jamie doesn't talk much, but he is a tech-whizz. He is always going on the computers or playing with his Ipad or Ipod Touch or Iphone. His mum works for the apple store, so he gets loads of stuff for cheap prices.

Gotta go, it's time for pizza. I will message u soon because Dad is taking me to the firework display at Brickton Hall.
