Friday 20 January 2012

Issue Three: Rule The World

Hi there all! This is Issue Three of... Kool Kids! If you'd like to send me an email please send it to


Sapphire Feather has created a new blog called Bradley James Rules! If you are a fan of Arthur in Merlin (Bradley James) then check Sapphire's blog out!

This week's Top Tweeter is... Victoria Justice! The pretty American teen tweeted: P.S. Since I really can't fit into a tweet how much you all mean 2 me, I'm going 2 be planning a live chat very soon to celebrate. Could she be any sweeter? I don't think so!


I've been thinking long and hard about this but in the end I decided that Best Website Of The Week would go to... Mathletics! Mathletics is a website where you can practice your maths. In the maths game you earn credits which you can use to buy items for your online character. I really do recommend it and I think everyone will enjoy it!

Best Singer goes to... Rihanna! Rihanna is an extremely well known pop singer. Have you ever listened to Umbrella? We Found Love? Only Girl In The World? Well she is the singer of every single one of them! With a cool name, cool voice and the looks, Rihanna couldn't get any better! She's an inspiration and that's why she's BS!

Marvellous Music

We Found Love- Rihanna

Everything About You- One Direction

Loser Like Me- Glee Version

Just The Way You Are- Bruno Mars

All About Tonight- Pixie Lott

Paparazzi- Lady Ga-Ga

Cara Smith!

Cara Smith is part of the Kool Kids Newspaper Team! She will be doing a Worry Page on this blog soon! Here is my chat with her!

Me: Nice to see you Cara! I hope this is no inconvenience to you!

Cara: Not an inconvenience at all!

Me: Great! Anyway, tell me, why do you find working for Kool Kids Newspaper fun?

Cara: All the people in the team are really lovely and I love doing what I do!

Me: You are too kind! And what is your favourite movie?

Cara: I watch many so this is so hard! I am fond of all the Harry Potter movies but my favourite one is the last one: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part Two

Me: One of the movies on my list too!

Cara: This is mega rude of me but I have to go soon because I'm meeting friends at the park

Me: Just one last question then! Will you come again?

Cara: OF COURSE! Have fun Kool Kids! Bye!

Me: See ya!

Short Story

"Jane Adams". When Mrs Mill said Jane's name Jane didn't respond, she was in a nightmare where she'd been told she was to leave and... But soon Jane's nightmare turned back into reality. Anna sniffed and hugged Jane tight. "Bye then smelly pants!" Sandy jeered and Erin threw a cushion at her. "Mrs Mill it can't be Jane!" Chris said. "I'm afraid it is Master Caperns" Mrs Mill replied. Anna went ghost white like Jane and took her up to her bedroom to pack.

"Angleton Gardens, it's going to be horrible isn't it?" Jane negatively announced to Anna. "Don't talk like that! You'll be having so much fun that you'll forget about me and Chris and everyone!" Anna positively corrected. A tear rolled down Jane's cheek and Anna held her by the arms. "Take this! It's a magical bracelet. When I was younger my Mum took me to see Ms Rocha Ackleys, a famous fortune teller. Ms Rocha gave me two magic bracelets so you can have the pearl pink one" Anna put the piece of jewellery in Jane's hand snd continued putting away books.

Embleson Gates had finished wishing their final goodbyes so Mrs Mill took Jane to the door. "Just wait outside, the taxi company, Total Taxis will be here soon. They are your transport to Angleton Gardens. Good luck!" Mrs Mill wished Jane and she closed the door. Jane was finally out of Embleson Gates, the orphanage. She stood, holding her bags for five minutes, ten, fifteen, twenty! Jane gave up and decided to ask someone the way, she would walk. She came across a tall lady in a black suit. Her experssion showed that she was tired and she smelt of Wonderland Perfume. "Excuse me? I hate to bother you but I wondered if you knew the way to Angleton Gardens?" Jane attempted. "I'm sorry, I don't know the way! You see I've just moved here with my... Wait a minute! Have you got a guardian?" the woman realised.

More of this story will be in next week's issue! I'm still doing the competitions from last week so enter!
Lots of love, Abigail Bronte xoxo

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