Saturday 14 January 2012

Issue Two: January Has Arrived!

Welcome back to Kool Kids! This week we've got loads of gossip for you so don't go away!


Tracy Beaker Returns is back and better than ever! It's now on every Friday at seven so if you missed the first two episodes of this series head to and watch them because they are very entertaining!

Like last week you heard Chelsee's tweet and she was crowned Top Tweeter. Well guess who it is this week? Niall Horan! Niall tweeted "what does everyone think of the one thing video?". One Thing is a song on One Direction's album and they released the music video for it yesterday! If Niall was here I would say "yes Niall we all love it! Keep up the great singing!".


I think we can all guess which website has won Best Website Of The Week. And that is... Youtube! Youtube is an online website where you can watch all kinds of videos and even become a member on Youtube which means you can comment on videos and make your own. So well done Youtube!

Best singer goes to... Victoria Justice! Victoria Justice is maybe someone you haven't heard about. She's on a hit TV programme on Nickelodeon called Victorious. Victoria plays a teenage girl (the main character) named Tori. But Victoria Justice is not just a great actress but a great singer too! Why not look at her music videos on Youtube! I'm sure you'll love them!

Best Television Programme goes to... Dancing On Ice! Get ready to dance along to the music with your favourite stars! And don't forget to vote for your favourite act!

Marvellous Music

One That Got Away- Katy Perry

One Thing- One Direction

A-team- Ed Sheeran

Dynamite- Taio Cruz

Best Friend's Brother- Victoria Justice

With Ur Love- Cher Lloyd

Miss Piggy!

I know you won't believe this but while drinking a luxury hot chocolate in Costa I spotted no other than Miss Piggy!

Me: Hi Miss Piggy! Lovely to meet you!

Miss Piggy: Well hello Abby! I wasn't expecting to see you here!

Me: I have to have a yummy hot chocolate once in a while! Anyway I heard you're in a movie?!

Miss Piggy: Yes I am! I'm very excited that it's going to be in cinemas soon! I'm taking my girl pals to see it!

Me: I believe it's called The Muppet's Movie?

Miss Piggy: It is! Are you going to see it?

Me: Of course I am! And so are the Kool Kids Team and the Kool Kids who read this!

Miss Piggy: Fabulous! I'm going to be a movie star!

Me: Oh Miss Piggy, you already are!

Miss Piggy: Thank you, that's very kind. Well I promise to try and read Kool Kids every week!

Me: Please do! Oh and have a fantastic day!

Miss Piggy: You too! WATCH MY MOVIE!!!!!!

Short Story

Continued from last week...

Jane loathed Erin when she tried to get a peek at what Sarah was saying to her. Sandy couldn't bother. Sandy got very angry with Jane when she wouldn't get off a laptop. Sandy played a game online named Tiny Toes where you were a tiny person in a massive city. If she couldn't get on it she would scream and scratch and shout. "Come on Jane! I really wanted to play Bowling Bizarre with you! And you promised last week" Erin persuaded. "Why didn't you ask me then?" Sandy wondered. "Doesn't matter" forgot Erin and she skipped into the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready kids!" Mrs Mill called.

So Jane typed to Sarah:

Gotta go! See you l8tr!

Turned off the laptop and ran into the kitchen. Jane sat down and peered at Mrs Mill who was handing out bowls of Cookie Crisp and placing jugs of orange juice on the table. Bradley Forns and Anna Emphsdale came in. Anna unlike Jane had short blonde, curly hair up to her shoulders. Jane had long, straight brown hair. Anna was quiet and liked to be on her own. She was also trustworthy and secretive. Anna sat on the seat next to Jane, Bradley went next to Lola Benton, a sixteen year old girl training to be a model. Typical.

"Eat up kids!" Chris urged. They tucked in, slurping up the orange and letting the Cookie Crisp rest sweetly in their mouths. "So, when will we find out, Mrs Mill?" Sandy grinned nastily at Jane. "Find out what? Oh! Today" Mrs Mill revealed. Everyone gasped, even Sandy. "But it was only a couple of days ago that Joe left!" Abigail insisted. "Yes I know that and I don't need to be informed again! Whoever leaves today will go to Angleton Gardens, a better orphanage" Mrs Mill replied. "What you think is good is rubbish to the rest of us!" Sandy pointed out. "Right! That's it! You will eat in silence and, Sandy?". "Yeah?". "No laptop today" Mrs Mill inclined. Sandy stamped her feet and dramatically exited the room. "I told you so" Erin cheeked. "Don't you start too, Miss Shirty!" Mrs Mill snapped.

"Okay guys, let's go and play in the garden" Chris exclaimed and they followed him out. Jane didn't want to play football so cheered her team on which was Bradley, James, Erin, Abigail and Jade. Anna didn't play either. Jade Vengley was the best girl footballer in Embleson Gates and was a team player. James Beige had had a crush on her for nearly four years! She hadn't noticed! "She's good isn't she? Jade" Jane muttered to Anna. "Very! The boys absolutely adore her!" Anna giggled and Jane did too! "Sandy is so mean! Whoever goes today I'm going to help them and be their friend. How about you?" Anna asked Jane. "I'll help them too but I still think it'll be me and then, then ..." Jane spoke. "Don't worry! I'm sure it won't be you! Jade scored a goal, look!" she gestured to the goal post where a celebrating Jade jumped up and down. They cheered and the team ran around the garden.

"Now please don't be upset about this everyone but I'm about to say who is leaving Embleson Gates". They all looked at each other anxiously. "That person is...".

Want to know the end of the sentence and read more about Jane? Read the next issue!

Best Blog Of The Week goes to... The ANT Farm Club by Taylor Watson, check it out because it's awesome, so awesome that I'm going to read her blog post in a couple of minutes...

First person to answer this and email me their answer wins two wispa's!

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What is the above backwards? Email me at

To win a JLS Book, answer this:

What character in Tracy Beaker Returns has blue highlights?
A: Elektra
B: Liam
C: Carmen

Thanks for reading! You are all truly Kool Kids! Love Abigail Bronte xoxo

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