Tuesday 4 December 2012

Toby: My View

Hi, I'm Toby. And I'm in the big class.

I live with my Auntie and Uncle and my cousins. I love playing footie, going on the Wii and Deadly 60.

OK, so we have a new girl in our class now. She's quite cool and I saw her knock down the class bully, so I guess she's alright ;)

My best mate is Tommy because he is always there for you and he makes me laugh all the time.

Sometimes life can be pretty tough without parents, now that they're 'angels' like everyone says. My auntie and uncle are lovely, but it's always going to feel really odd for me being around them 24/7.

Our teacher is telling us about a Letter System we are going to be doing in our school. 'Cos it's December, everyone wants to give out cards. So we have a little post box and a monitor in each class.

I am slightly worried though 'cos I haven't actually bought one card yet. Oops?

For christmas I would kind of like foster parents. I know it sounds really weird, but I don't wanna been with my aunt and uncle and my parents aren't alive. It's my only option really.

Once when I was finishing some math homework, I looked out the window and saw a kid and his parents playing and having fun in the park.

I wish that was me. I wish this wasn't my life.

This probably sounds completely mental, doesn't it? But I can't hold this all in anymore. It's... hard, like a sum.

Moving on...

GUESS WHAT? Our teacher said we are having a disco and we have to pair up with a GIRL!! This is just great (not).

Well let me think. Anna is the new girl so maybe. Liz is cool. Sarah's funny. Hmmm... still it's a bit odd cos we have to dance with them (arrgh!)

C u l8tr,

Sunday 28 October 2012


Liz here again!

My dad was late picking me up for After School club, and Mrs Rachi got pretty mad. Dad say he was sorry, but he didn't control what times trains stopped and started.

We drove to Brickton Hall to see the fireworks. It was already quite busy, but we didn't mind. We bought a few burgers and 7ups and then sat outside in the big field to watch the fireworks.

They were amazing!! All different colours and patterns and noises. Sometimes I wish life was as colourful and bright as the fireworks.

When I got home, Dad said I had better get started on my English homework.

Dad's got Xfactor on,

betta go!


Friday 26 October 2012

A warm welcome from Liz

Hiya!! I'm Liz and I'm in The Big Class. Not many people have written an entry on our school blog yet, but I thought it was time that someone did.

Like I said, I'm Liz and I'm one of the kind of quiet members of the class, I suppose. I love to run and play footie and I go camping with my dad every weekend. I also love going to the movies with my friends, like Sarah.

Today we were doing science experiments, and it was actually really fun! We got a big bottle of Diet Coke and some mentos. Then, we put the mentos inside the bottle with the coke, shaked the people and... BOOM!! The coke went everywhere!!!!!

We also got given school emails and ended up chatting with each other all day long. After school I had to go to the after school club.

As my Dad has a pretty busy job, he usually can't pick me up. Sometimes that kind of annoys me, 'cos I get dumped at after school club.

At the AS club, you can play and chat and there are even some computers. But I usually sit in a corner, and finish my homework. No one in my class goes to the AS club, except me and a boy called Jamie.

Jamie doesn't talk much, but he is a tech-whizz. He is always going on the computers or playing with his Ipad or Ipod Touch or Iphone. His mum works for the apple store, so he gets loads of stuff for cheap prices.

Gotta go, it's time for pizza. I will message u soon because Dad is taking me to the firework display at Brickton Hall.


Monday 3 September 2012

Sarah Again

Hello! It's me Sarah again, I'll start from where I ended last time...

The new girl was called Anna and she is quite shy. At lunch break, we asked her if she wanted to play skipping games with us.

"No thank you, but that is a very kind offer", Anna had said.

Then Katie walked over to us, her posse trailing behind. "If it isn't Sarah and her stupid friends. Ha ha! My parents are both coming on the school trip next week. I bet yours aren't!".

Katie was right. My parents hadn't  been interested in the trip really. But I wasn't going to let Katie beat me up about it. 

"Well, no. My parents are not coming because they have much more important things to do. They're going to a fancy tea with their famous author friend", I invented.

"That isn't true, your parents spilt up, they don't want to spend time together!".

I felt hot tears steam into my eyes, and then the weirdest thing happened.

Anna, who we thought was all shy, punched Katie in the face!!!!

We all gasped and Anna smiled proudly. She had beat the school bully.

"Uugh! Thanks a lot, stupid new girl and stupid new girl's friends!! I'll get you!", Katie screamed.

We all giggled, we tried to stop, but we couldn't!

At home, Mum was on her computer. She was writing a note to her fans, she is an author. This lady called Rose helped her create a fansite, so she writes things to her fans and chats to them sometimes.

"How was school?".

Tuesday 21 August 2012


Hiya! I'm Sarah Brown! I'm in a big class at school with loads of other children. Our teacher, Mrs Ruderson, set up this cool blog so that we can all chat and stuff.

Anyway, I'm Sarah and I'm turning eleven next Friday. I LOVE reading and I have a massive book collection at my Dad's house. My mum and dad split up, so I spent the weekend with dad and the rest of the week with mum.

When I was little, I got really upset about my mum and dad splitting up. On the day I came into school and told my best friends about the break up, show off Katie just had to make the day worst.

"Guess what, girls? My dad's getting me that new limo that's in all the mega celeb mags! I might even meet Harry Styles at McDonalds! Oh, and, mummy's getting me a brand new bedroom. That's right, I'm going to have ten bedrooms now! And daddy bought me a: Daddy's best girl top".

Katie's still annoying now, but I just try to ignore her.

I'm also an only child, but with friends around, life's never dull. My best friends are Molly and Olivia. Molly is always clowning about and making me giggle. She's forever getting into trouble but she is actually quite brainy.

Olivia is the best dancer I've ever known. She can do loads of dances as well. Olivia is really kind and caring and will NEVER spill a secret.

Today at school we did maths. Maths is my worst subject, but Mrs Runderson is really nice and always helps me when I'm stuck. Sometimes I do extra lessons with her after school so I can get ready for the big Year Six test soon.

At break time, all the boys played football and Sally joined in too. Sally is my friend too and she's an athlete in the making. The boys don't seem to mind if she's goalie in their matches.

Katie was showing her posse pics of her new room. And I was chatting to my bff's about a future sleepover.

Later in class, the teacher said we have a new girl. Next to her was a pretty looking Japanese girl. She had lovely dark hair in bunches and big brown eyes. I'll continue this next time...

Exciting News

Hello! I'm going to be starting a new blog on this page called... The Big Class! Every post will be a diary entry of a pupil in the big class. But of course I will make up the children and write the entries. Hope you can all read my new blog soon, Thanks!

Thursday 31 May 2012


Hi guys! I'm mega sorry for not writing much! It's quite hard doing a mag with only a couple of people. There will be a Queen's Diamond Jubilee Edition out soon! So stay tune for more goss and goodness, thanks!

Monday 2 April 2012

April Fool's Day Edition

Hi there readers! Here is my April Fool's Day Edition of the newspaper:

How are you all? I'm feeling great today! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
sorry that I haven't blogged for ages but now I promise I will! And have I got news for you?! Yesterday I got to go backstage at a One Direction concert and I met Niall Horan! Tee hee! I tricked you! I didn't really go backstage, but I had to play a prank because it's April Fool's Day!

Here are some jokes (bad and good):

Knock knock. "Who's there?". Doctor. "Doctor who?". How did you know my name?

What's loud and excited? Davina Mccall

Why did the computer cross the road? It had to chase it's mouse!

Awards(Joke ones)

Top Tweeter goes to... The Fridge! The Fridge always knows everything. He's full of delightful food and he's well... interesting!

Best Website goes to... http://www.worldsmostboringwebsite.com/! It's very, very boring so when you click on it, make sure you have a sleeping cap on!

Best Singer goes to... The Chipmunks! They have sold loads of hits, are the cutest things ever AND they are great friends of mine.... okay maybe not.

Marvellous Music

Moptop Tweenybop (my hair's too long)- Zack Binspin (On YouTube, Moshi Monsters)

I Like Trains Song- TomSka (On YouTube)

The Duck Song- forrestfire101 (On YouTube)

Broken Glass- Matt Bennett


Our tips this week are on how to make someone laugh!

1. Say something totally random, for example, "Wow, look at that light...".

2. Sing a made up, stupid song or dance to some music badly.

3. Show your friend Kool Kids' April Fool's Edition!

Happy Easter Card!

I'm afraid I've got to write a little bit more of the story to be able to continue it, so this week there will be no story :(

But I thought I might make you readers a special Easter Card, here it is:

"Easter is a time when we think about the sacrifices Jesus made, not chocolate. But chocolate is still yummy!".

< A cute Easter bunny! I'm doing a competition for the best bunny name, want to enter? Email me at abbybronte@hotmail.co.uk

Lots of love, Abigail Bronte xoxo

Monday 27 February 2012

Jump Up: Issue Six

This is Kool Kids, the kid's newspaper/blog! I'm here to share with you so many fantastic pieces of gossip and greatness.


You can read this at the First News website: SCHOOL WITH ONLY ONE PUPIL CLOSES
A four year old boy named William Brewis started at Cornhill First School last September and is now the only pupil there! Even though the school has had very good reports, it could do with a bit more children! As there is only one child, the school may have to close, which means William will have to go on a bus for ten km so he can travel to a new school. Meanwhile, parents in other school are worried that there are too many children in each class. They are concerned that children may become shy and distressed with so many others around them. What do you think about this? Email me at abbybronte@hotmail.co.uk to tell me what you think! Or make an account on http://www.firstnews.co.uk and comment on the topic!


Top tweeter goes to... Katy Perry! Katy P recently tweeted: Longest day ever!
We know how you feel Katy! But of course Katy has to practice for hours... so well done Katy Perry!

Best Website goes to... First News! First News is a bit like Kool Kids, it's a kid's newspaper. However, First News is in print so you can buy it at the shops!

Best singer goes to... Adele! Adele won six brit awards, wow! She's cool, she's great and she sings really well. Check out her website: http://www.adele.tv/home/

Marvellous Music

Cooler Than Me- Mike Posner

Hit The Lights- Selena Gomez

All I Want Is Everything- Victoria Justice

Sk8er Boy- Avril Lavigne

Put Your Hearts Up- Ariana Grande

Sparks Fly- Taylor Swift


I've decided to give tips on "creating your own style" this week!

1. Go into a clothes shop, like New Look or Topshop and look at the clothes
2. Whatever fashion item catches your eye, take a closer look at it. Is it girly, vintage, rock chick?
3. Don't worry about what others wear, have fun with your own style. Mix and match and whatever you like, is your style!

Short Story

Continued... When Jane was settled in her room, she already knew. She liked Miss Cristen! And it had only been like, fifteen seconds! Her bedroom was spacious with a personalised bed that spoke in sparkly stones, "Jane", a desk shaped like an "n" was discovered and a spinning chair too. Also, a rule was that if you were eight and up you required your own laptop which was on Jane's desk already. She had an en-suite too, much better than the dodgy toilet back at her old orphanage. She went to the dining room for dinner. And that's when Jane got a text:
Soz! Got new m8! Off to L.A. baby! LOL! Sarah (Btw, like, buzz off!)

Read more next week and if you want to week earlier chunks of the story look at other posts. The competitions from all posts are still open! Please enter! Lots of love, Abigail Bronte xoxo

Sunday 12 February 2012

Once In A Lifetime: Issue Five

Welcome to a new issue of the kids newspaper/blog! It's been so icy and snowy recently, hasn't it? But it's half term now so we can all have fun!


Article, read it in the Daily Telegraph: GET ON YOUR (BOOK) MARKS, CHILDREN, FOR THE GREAT READING RACE

Every school child will be encouraged to have a book on the go because there is an exciting national competition to improve children's literacy. The contest will be starting in Autumn and Nick Gibb said that reading will be really good for all children.


Top Tweeter goes to... Jessie J! Jessie's tweet was: What colour do you think my dress is for the Grammys? Well Jessie, I'm not sure because you come up with many ultra fabulous and rare outfits! Maybe lots of different colours! Email me at abbybronte@hotmail.co.uk to tell me what you think.

Best Website is for... Moonpig.com! Moonpig.com offers many fantastic and special cards. They also sell gifts. Everything on the website can be personalised, so your name could be on a card, cool right?! Check it out here: http://www.moonpig.com

Best Singer is awarded to... Parade! Parade is a girl band that are not extremely famous yet, but hopefully will be soon! They are all really great singers and are fresh, friendly and cool! Check this video of them out above!

Marvellous Music

Abracadabra- Jessie J

One More Time- Britney Spears

Kiss The Stars- Pixie Lott

Rule The World- Take That

Daydreamer- Adele

What's my name- Rihanna


This week on Tips we are looking at the subject of "making friends".

1. Start a conversation. Compliment somebody or just smile, or if you are feeling brave ask them question like, "Hi, how old are you? I'm ten".

2. Take an interest in them. If they do start talking to you, listen because if you don't they may think you a little rude. People like it when others are interested in them, it's makes them feel good inside.

3. If you're the chatty one and they're the shy one then make a move! Sometimes if someone is shy they may be scared to start talking to someone they haven't met before. Be prepared and as soon as you start chatting, they're sure to join in!

Short Story

Continued... "Er... Hi?" Jane offered. "Hiya! I'm Tilly and this is Angleton Gardens, run by Miss Sophie Cristen. She is really nice but also forgetful. MISS CRISTEN! I love her. Even though it doesn't look like that" Tilly happily introduced. Suddenly a pretty, young lady (much prettier than any other lady who ever lived!) walked down wooden steps (stairs) with a smile on her face. "Tilly! Why do you have to be so loud! Go and make yourself useful, get Joe. You two need to help Miss Adams with her luggage" Miss Cristen discussed. Her ginger hair just under her shoulders. "Jane! How are you? Did you like Bob, the Total Taxis driver? He's top class at jokes!" Miss Cristen welcomed keenly.

"I'm fine, I don't know who Bob is. You see, I waited for twenty minutes outside Embleson Gates and they still didn't come so I got directions and..." but Jane was interrupted. "You walked! I can't believe they didn't come! I'm so sorry! Oh no, what will Mrs Mill say?" Miss Cristen worried. "She won't find out, not if I can help it" Jane commented. Joe and Tilly appeared and Joe waved to Jane, he knew her from Embleson. "Is this an actual orphanage?" Jane looked around. "Well, it's more of a hotel for kids and teens who are homeless, hurt or orphans or just lost in the world" Miss Cristen remarked.

Read more of the story in the next issue!

All the competitions in the past issues are still open, so please enter now if you'd like something!
Have a fun half term! Lots of love, Abigail Bronte xoxo

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sunny Days: Issue Four

Heya readers! This is another issue of... Kool Kids! Issue Four (this issue) is packed with loads of awesome articles and more!


I've decided to give you some real news, shown in newspapers and TV programmes. Here's our first one: "Pushy Parents Are Taking All The Joy Out Of Childhood" says Headmistress. Competitive parents are booking tutors for their sons and daughters who are of a young age. A headmistress has quoted that's it's taking the joy out of childhood for many. Some mothers and fathers are even getting their children to have lessons at the weekend and getting them to do extra cirricular activities. That means they're doing about fourty  hours (or more) of school work and out of school but school related clubs! Do you think this is fair? Email me at abbybronte@hotmail.co.uk to tell me what you think.



Top Tweeter is... Sophia Grace Brownlee! Sophia is a YouTube sensation because of her singing. She's eight and her cousin, Rosie is five. Rosie is her hype girl. Sophia tweeted: To my cousin rosie happy new year, love from Sophia Grace xxxxxxxxxx. How cute!

Best Website is awarded to... Google Plus! Google Plus is a site where you can chat and hangout with friends and family or just someone who interests you. Share and just have fun! Check it out, but you can only join if you have a Gmail account.

Marvellous Music

Superbass- Little Mix Version

Turn My Swag On- Keri Hilson

Rolling In The Deep- Adele

Lights On- Katy B

On The Floor- Jennifer Lopez

Pass Out- Tinie Tempah
Here is video that I LOVE:

Best Singer is the fantastic... Pixie Lott! Pixie fact; (Pixie is not her real name!). Miss Lott has got a new attitude and a new single, Kiss The Stars! She's beautiful and talented, what more to want?

I've made up my mind to add a new part to the newspaper... Tips! This week's tips are on what to do on the first day of a new club you start.
1. Smile, people will smile back and think you friendly
2. Try your best. Listen to instructors and do the best of your ability, it shows you are courageous.
3. Have fun! Don't ever continue a club if you don't like it! Parents want you to enjoy yourself!

Short Story

Continued... "Um... There's my Mum! Got to go!" faked Jane and she pointed to a plump lady pushing a pram. The tall woman rushed on and as Jane passed the plump lady she noticed the she was looking at her. Sternly. As if she shouldn't be there. Then Jane saw a man playing with his little girl, he looked reliable. "Sir, would you by any chance know the way to Angleton Gardens? I need to get there".

"Keep going straight on. There will be a road called Lavender Lane there, go down that road and Angleton is the second house on the left. Need a ride?" the man cheerily helped.

"No thank you. I appreciate your help, bye!" Jane stuttered and she raced like a formula one down the road so that the man wouldn't be able to catch up with her.

Lavender Lane really did smell of lavender. Jane checked the numbers, the left side was even, right side odd. She went to the left side and searched for number four. Soon enough it was found and she tapped, tapped, tapped on the door. A little girrl about nine opened the door and grinned tremendously! "MISS CRISTEN! THERE'S AN ORPHAN AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!" the girl screamed as she turned her back to Jane and stared impatiently at the stairs.

Who is this girl and who is Miss Cristen? Find out next time!

Competition Time!

Would you like to get Abigail Bronte, Taylor Watson and Sapphire Feather's signatures? If so answer this and email your answer to me!

What was the first Readalot post titled?
A: Welcome!
B: Buzz off!
C: Welcome To My New Blog, Readalot

Hope you enjoyed reading... Kool Kids! Look out for more issues! Abigail Bronte & The Kool Kids Team, xoxo

Friday 20 January 2012

Issue Three: Rule The World

Hi there all! This is Issue Three of... Kool Kids! If you'd like to send me an email please send it to abbybronte@hotmail.co.uk


Sapphire Feather has created a new blog called Bradley James Rules! If you are a fan of Arthur in Merlin (Bradley James) then check Sapphire's blog out!

This week's Top Tweeter is... Victoria Justice! The pretty American teen tweeted: P.S. Since I really can't fit into a tweet how much you all mean 2 me, I'm going 2 be planning a live chat very soon to celebrate. Could she be any sweeter? I don't think so!


I've been thinking long and hard about this but in the end I decided that Best Website Of The Week would go to... Mathletics! Mathletics is a website where you can practice your maths. In the maths game you earn credits which you can use to buy items for your online character. I really do recommend it and I think everyone will enjoy it!

Best Singer goes to... Rihanna! Rihanna is an extremely well known pop singer. Have you ever listened to Umbrella? We Found Love? Only Girl In The World? Well she is the singer of every single one of them! With a cool name, cool voice and the looks, Rihanna couldn't get any better! She's an inspiration and that's why she's BS!

Marvellous Music

We Found Love- Rihanna

Everything About You- One Direction

Loser Like Me- Glee Version

Just The Way You Are- Bruno Mars

All About Tonight- Pixie Lott

Paparazzi- Lady Ga-Ga

Cara Smith!

Cara Smith is part of the Kool Kids Newspaper Team! She will be doing a Worry Page on this blog soon! Here is my chat with her!

Me: Nice to see you Cara! I hope this is no inconvenience to you!

Cara: Not an inconvenience at all!

Me: Great! Anyway, tell me, why do you find working for Kool Kids Newspaper fun?

Cara: All the people in the team are really lovely and I love doing what I do!

Me: You are too kind! And what is your favourite movie?

Cara: I watch many so this is so hard! I am fond of all the Harry Potter movies but my favourite one is the last one: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part Two

Me: One of the movies on my list too!

Cara: This is mega rude of me but I have to go soon because I'm meeting friends at the park

Me: Just one last question then! Will you come again?

Cara: OF COURSE! Have fun Kool Kids! Bye!

Me: See ya!

Short Story

"Jane Adams". When Mrs Mill said Jane's name Jane didn't respond, she was in a nightmare where she'd been told she was to leave and... But soon Jane's nightmare turned back into reality. Anna sniffed and hugged Jane tight. "Bye then smelly pants!" Sandy jeered and Erin threw a cushion at her. "Mrs Mill it can't be Jane!" Chris said. "I'm afraid it is Master Caperns" Mrs Mill replied. Anna went ghost white like Jane and took her up to her bedroom to pack.

"Angleton Gardens, it's going to be horrible isn't it?" Jane negatively announced to Anna. "Don't talk like that! You'll be having so much fun that you'll forget about me and Chris and everyone!" Anna positively corrected. A tear rolled down Jane's cheek and Anna held her by the arms. "Take this! It's a magical bracelet. When I was younger my Mum took me to see Ms Rocha Ackleys, a famous fortune teller. Ms Rocha gave me two magic bracelets so you can have the pearl pink one" Anna put the piece of jewellery in Jane's hand snd continued putting away books.

Embleson Gates had finished wishing their final goodbyes so Mrs Mill took Jane to the door. "Just wait outside, the taxi company, Total Taxis will be here soon. They are your transport to Angleton Gardens. Good luck!" Mrs Mill wished Jane and she closed the door. Jane was finally out of Embleson Gates, the orphanage. She stood, holding her bags for five minutes, ten, fifteen, twenty! Jane gave up and decided to ask someone the way, she would walk. She came across a tall lady in a black suit. Her experssion showed that she was tired and she smelt of Wonderland Perfume. "Excuse me? I hate to bother you but I wondered if you knew the way to Angleton Gardens?" Jane attempted. "I'm sorry, I don't know the way! You see I've just moved here with my... Wait a minute! Have you got a guardian?" the woman realised.

More of this story will be in next week's issue! I'm still doing the competitions from last week so enter!
Lots of love, Abigail Bronte xoxo

Saturday 14 January 2012

Issue Two: January Has Arrived!

Welcome back to Kool Kids! This week we've got loads of gossip for you so don't go away!


Tracy Beaker Returns is back and better than ever! It's now on every Friday at seven so if you missed the first two episodes of this series head to http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/cbbc/ and watch them because they are very entertaining!

Like last week you heard Chelsee's tweet and she was crowned Top Tweeter. Well guess who it is this week? Niall Horan! Niall tweeted "what does everyone think of the one thing video?". One Thing is a song on One Direction's album and they released the music video for it yesterday! If Niall was here I would say "yes Niall we all love it! Keep up the great singing!".


I think we can all guess which website has won Best Website Of The Week. And that is... Youtube! Youtube is an online website where you can watch all kinds of videos and even become a member on Youtube which means you can comment on videos and make your own. So well done Youtube!

Best singer goes to... Victoria Justice! Victoria Justice is maybe someone you haven't heard about. She's on a hit TV programme on Nickelodeon called Victorious. Victoria plays a teenage girl (the main character) named Tori. But Victoria Justice is not just a great actress but a great singer too! Why not look at her music videos on Youtube! I'm sure you'll love them!

Best Television Programme goes to... Dancing On Ice! Get ready to dance along to the music with your favourite stars! And don't forget to vote for your favourite act!

Marvellous Music

One That Got Away- Katy Perry

One Thing- One Direction

A-team- Ed Sheeran

Dynamite- Taio Cruz

Best Friend's Brother- Victoria Justice

With Ur Love- Cher Lloyd

Miss Piggy!

I know you won't believe this but while drinking a luxury hot chocolate in Costa I spotted no other than Miss Piggy!

Me: Hi Miss Piggy! Lovely to meet you!

Miss Piggy: Well hello Abby! I wasn't expecting to see you here!

Me: I have to have a yummy hot chocolate once in a while! Anyway I heard you're in a movie?!

Miss Piggy: Yes I am! I'm very excited that it's going to be in cinemas soon! I'm taking my girl pals to see it!

Me: I believe it's called The Muppet's Movie?

Miss Piggy: It is! Are you going to see it?

Me: Of course I am! And so are the Kool Kids Team and the Kool Kids who read this!

Miss Piggy: Fabulous! I'm going to be a movie star!

Me: Oh Miss Piggy, you already are!

Miss Piggy: Thank you, that's very kind. Well I promise to try and read Kool Kids every week!

Me: Please do! Oh and have a fantastic day!

Miss Piggy: You too! WATCH MY MOVIE!!!!!!

Short Story

Continued from last week...

Jane loathed Erin when she tried to get a peek at what Sarah was saying to her. Sandy couldn't bother. Sandy got very angry with Jane when she wouldn't get off a laptop. Sandy played a game online named Tiny Toes where you were a tiny person in a massive city. If she couldn't get on it she would scream and scratch and shout. "Come on Jane! I really wanted to play Bowling Bizarre with you! And you promised last week" Erin persuaded. "Why didn't you ask me then?" Sandy wondered. "Doesn't matter" forgot Erin and she skipped into the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready kids!" Mrs Mill called.

So Jane typed to Sarah:

Gotta go! See you l8tr!

Turned off the laptop and ran into the kitchen. Jane sat down and peered at Mrs Mill who was handing out bowls of Cookie Crisp and placing jugs of orange juice on the table. Bradley Forns and Anna Emphsdale came in. Anna unlike Jane had short blonde, curly hair up to her shoulders. Jane had long, straight brown hair. Anna was quiet and liked to be on her own. She was also trustworthy and secretive. Anna sat on the seat next to Jane, Bradley went next to Lola Benton, a sixteen year old girl training to be a model. Typical.

"Eat up kids!" Chris urged. They tucked in, slurping up the orange and letting the Cookie Crisp rest sweetly in their mouths. "So, when will we find out, Mrs Mill?" Sandy grinned nastily at Jane. "Find out what? Oh! Today" Mrs Mill revealed. Everyone gasped, even Sandy. "But it was only a couple of days ago that Joe left!" Abigail insisted. "Yes I know that and I don't need to be informed again! Whoever leaves today will go to Angleton Gardens, a better orphanage" Mrs Mill replied. "What you think is good is rubbish to the rest of us!" Sandy pointed out. "Right! That's it! You will eat in silence and, Sandy?". "Yeah?". "No laptop today" Mrs Mill inclined. Sandy stamped her feet and dramatically exited the room. "I told you so" Erin cheeked. "Don't you start too, Miss Shirty!" Mrs Mill snapped.

"Okay guys, let's go and play in the garden" Chris exclaimed and they followed him out. Jane didn't want to play football so cheered her team on which was Bradley, James, Erin, Abigail and Jade. Anna didn't play either. Jade Vengley was the best girl footballer in Embleson Gates and was a team player. James Beige had had a crush on her for nearly four years! She hadn't noticed! "She's good isn't she? Jade" Jane muttered to Anna. "Very! The boys absolutely adore her!" Anna giggled and Jane did too! "Sandy is so mean! Whoever goes today I'm going to help them and be their friend. How about you?" Anna asked Jane. "I'll help them too but I still think it'll be me and then, then ..." Jane spoke. "Don't worry! I'm sure it won't be you! Jade scored a goal, look!" she gestured to the goal post where a celebrating Jade jumped up and down. They cheered and the team ran around the garden.

"Now please don't be upset about this everyone but I'm about to say who is leaving Embleson Gates". They all looked at each other anxiously. "That person is...".

Want to know the end of the sentence and read more about Jane? Read the next issue!

Best Blog Of The Week goes to... The ANT Farm Club by Taylor Watson, check it out because it's awesome, so awesome that I'm going to read her blog post in a couple of minutes...

First person to answer this and email me their answer wins two wispa's!

!ybba ma i ih

What is the above backwards? Email me at abbybronte@hotmail.co.uk

To win a JLS Book, answer this:

What character in Tracy Beaker Returns has blue highlights?
A: Elektra
B: Liam
C: Carmen

Thanks for reading! You are all truly Kool Kids! Love Abigail Bronte xoxo

Thursday 5 January 2012

New News!

Kool Kids

Hello and welcome to... Kool Kids! My name is Abigail Bronte and I am the head of Kool Kids. Kool Kids (I can spell by the way!) is an online newspaper, magazine, whatever you want to call it. It's new and fresh and something I think you'll like. Interviews, challenges, competitions, recommendations, fun, news, gossip, everything. That is right, nearly everything is here. Whether you're a boy or a girl, you will enjoy this. Thanks for reading!


Who watched Xfactor 2011? I did! And Little Mix won! Little Mix is a great girlband which features Perrie, Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Jade in it, four girls who had big dreams. What did you think of the final? Marcus Collins came in a lucky second place, Amelia Lily was third place and Misha B in fourth place. Well done Little Mix! We hope you make lots of albums!

Strictly come dancing star Chelsee Healey quoted a while ago on twitter “Oh my gosh I'm in the FINAL!Woowow! Thank you everyone sooo much who voted and supported me love you all! I'm the happiest girl right now

Ahhhhh! Isn't Chelsee loyal?! Who did you vote for? Chelsee seems to adore her fans, I reckon she'll do a great job in the tour. To tell me your vote, email me at:


 I'd like to give an award to Moshi Monsters. Moshi Monsters is an online virtual world where you can adopt a monster and care for it, buy it things, make friends, grow moshlings (pets) and so, so much more! Everyone wants to be on it so don't miss out! Moshi Monsters, you have won the Best Website Of The Week!

Best Singer goes to Kelly Clarkson! Kelly is a talented and young singer who has made lots of hits and is so very popular. Looking for the person who sang Mr Know-It-All? Or Since U Been Gone? That's her! If you want to watch her music videos online then go straight to Youtube.

And of course Young Apprentice has to be the best televison programme. Many of you may of heard of “The Apprentice” but have you heard about the young version? Sixteen and seventeen year olds battled it out to win but only two made the final. Young Apprenctice has now finished the series so if you would like to watch some of it then go to BBC Iplayer, it's worth it!

Marvellous Music

Last Friday Night- Katy Perry

Since U Been Gone- Kelly Clarkson

Marry You- Bruno Mars

Don't Let Go (Love)- Little Mix

Gotta Be You- One Direction

Dance With Me Tonight- Olly Murrs

It doesn’t matter if you are a boy or a girl, both will adore all these songs! My personal favourites, Don't Let Go and Dance With Me Tonight. Hope you have fun listening to these!

Mrs Claus

Guess what? The other day I was shopping in Waitrose and I met Mrs Claus! So I decided to ask her if I could do an interview and she was delighted!

Me: It's lovely to see you Mrs Claus! Have you been busy lately?

M.Claus: Lovely to see you too! I have been busy recently actually! I've been shopping and baking cookies for Mr Claus

Me: Sounds like fun! Where do you shop at?

M.Claus: Next, Primark, BHS, all of those places. I usually go to Marks & Spencers to get my food

Me: Do you have any children?

M.Claus: Yes I do infact. I have two grown up children and a little girl. Angela is twenty eight, Tommy is forty and Sarah who is twelve.

Me: Have you ever adopted a child?

M.Claus: We adopted Sarah. Sarah's mum died quickly after she was born so Sarah didn't have a proper family until we adopted her

Me: That's so sad that she doesn't have her mum anymore! But I bet you are like a mum to her!

M.Claus: I love it when she calls me mum. It makes me feel like she's comfortable and settled

Me: Ahhhhh! So apart from being in charge of many, many elf  toy companies do you have a business?

M.Claus: I do! I run my own card business, I have a little cafe and I have a homemade shop where things I've made myself are bought

Me: I think I'll go to all of those! They sound good!

M.Claus: I'm glad you think so!

Me: Anyway it's been really nice meeting you, thank you!

M.Claus: That's okay! Bye!

 Short Story

My story starts with the most simple thing. So just wait and see!

Jane Adams was alone in the world. She had lost her Mum, Dad and Grandma. She looked out of her window in Embleson Gates and sighed. Life couldn't possibly be worse. Jane was a shy girl and found it hard to make friends. She didn't have a single friend at the orphanage and often felt like she was an animal, locked in a cage. Although everyone in Embleson Gates got a chance to go shopping or go to the park she didn't feel like it was a lot of freedom. Jane had lived in Embleson Gates for nearly all of her life. Even though Mrs Mill who ran the orphanage was pleasant, she was a little weird.

She had bought over one hundred lottery tickets and still hadn't won even ten pounds! Another worker there, Chris. Chris was a friendly, welcoming soul who believed everyone deserved more than one chance in life. Chris was the only person Jane talked to regularly. Jane had her own room in Embleson Gates which she spent most of her time in. It was painted sea blue and had sparkles scattered on every bit of the wall. Books lay in piles by her bed and a picture of Chris and Jane when they went on the carousel stood straightly on a bedside table.

But really, Jane was just an ordinary twelve year old who liked the same things and had the same ambitions. However, Jane was scared. On the eleventh of Feburary each year a child was taken to another orphanage of some kind. It was because Embleson Gates couldn't afford to look after all the children so whoever was first on the list got sent away and Jane thought it would be her. After all , her surname started with “a” which meant she would be near the top of the list. Jane took the stairs down to the living room and grabbed one of the computers before anyone else could.

“Hey Janey! Why are you so down?” Erin Lackshire enquired. “Oh. It's nothing...” Jane replied. She was feeling rather secretive and anyway, was Erin a friend or foe? “I've learnt that if someone says “nothing” then it means something is up. So what is it?” Erin tried again. “Just leave me alone!” Jane demanded. “Watch it Jane! Erin was only being kind!” Sandy Tootmekits defended. Erin gave Sandy a look as if to say “why did you do that?”. Erin and Sandy were best friends but Erin was the more understanding one. Jane had dreamt before of Erin being her best friend but she knew that if she tried then Sandy would make her history. Jane scowled at Sandy. Anyway, what did she know? Jane logged on to Chat Club, a website where you could chat to people all over the world. On Chat Club you had a contact list so that you would be able to chat to someone again.

Jane had only one contact, Sarah Winter. Sarah was twelve too but lived in Great Ellsville, a long way away from Jane. Sarah was a bit richer than Jane though. Her family owned Maddison Fields, a posh, luxurious hotel. Jane revealed everything to Sarah and even woke up early to gossip to her. Chat Club was also very useful, if you wanted to have a chat to a contact you just clicked “send sound” and a sound came on your alarm clock at whatever time you needed to pursue.

For more of this story, wait for the next issue of Kool Kids and I will continue to the next paragraph. Hope you enjoyed my story so far!

I have decided to also award best blog of the week and it is… http://www.cherlloydrules.blogspot.com!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This blog is brand new and written by Sapphire Feather. It’s a sort of Cher Lloyd Fanclub so if you like Cher, check this out!

Now, you didn’t think you’d just go without getting a challenge did you? Well I’ve got one for you! If you create a girlsgogames or miniclip account, watch an episode of Victorious on Nickelodeon or online, listen to one song on Youtube that I recommended, tell five people about Kool Kids and write about your dream holiday then you will become a Kool Kid Official member! Just email me at when you’ve done it and I’ll reply. Please call the subject “Kool Kid, Me!”.

Thanks for reading they’ll be more next week! Bye! Abigail Bronte

To win two Lego Minifigures answer this:

I came third in 2010’s Xfactor, who am I?

A: Matt Cardle

B: Cher Lloyd

C: One Direction