Monday 18 March 2013

Louisa's 'Helping' Hand

urgh. I didn't WANT to write a stupid diary entry. But ma teacher said I had to. My punishment for calling three people losers. Seriously?!It's

I'm Louisa. I'm the most popular girl in the class.

I have a gang with more than half the girls in the class in it. It's fun, cos I'm boss. I'm in charge. Not those teacher people...

Some people might say I'm a big bully, but they're wrong. I'm 'helping' people. Teaching them not to be so annoying, stupid, ugly and weird. It's a lesson that they need teaching, and I'm hear to teach it.

Rosie's the most annoying one. Everyone loves her, so I turned everyone against her. I told them all that she secretly controlled the homework system and made us all do homework because she was an evil witch.

It's mean, but creative. Once I heard one of the girls in the gang say:
"If Louisa wasn't so mean and bossy, don't you think she'd be so cool and creative? She's good at making things up, imagining."

That really annoyed me. So I told that girl if she didn't bug off out of my gang, I'd get her to do my homework EVERY WEEK.

I don't like Rosie because she's smart. And I can't be bothered to be clever. And even if I tried, I would still be bottom of the class. I act like I don't care, but I really really do care.

It's the dance soon. Toby's bound to take me. After all, we're pratically in love.



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