Monday 18 March 2013

Rosie's Nightmare

Hi, I'm Rosie.

Most people think that Rosie is a really happy name. And to be honest, I've always been a very happy child. I'm usually very smiley and people always compliment my cheerfulness.

But recently, I haven't felt very smiley at all. And it's not my fault. At least, I don't think it is.

I have a special need called Aspergers. It means I'm slightly different to other kids, and sometimes I don't understand things that they understand.

My favourite ever thing to do is science. I love it, and I always ask questions in science.

Since we moved into a new classroom, a new class, things have changed. They call me a geek. And a nerd. A know-it-all girl. They send me texts. They haunt me by the school gates. They write 'kick me' on my jumper.

It's been going on for a while now. They said if I told anyone, they'd kill me.

Some people are really nice, but others don't understand. I just want it to stop, all of it. I want to curl up and drift away.


Note from Abby:
Rosie is a fictional character, but if something like this is happening to you or someone you know, don't keep it inside. Call 0800 11 11 for help from Childline. No child deserves to be bullied.

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